June 11-13, 2024

The SSFA 55+ Provincial Games 2024 games include “traditional” sports such as track & field, swimming, slo-pitch, pickleball, golf, lawn bowling, 5-pin bowling, and 8-ball (pool) as well as “less traditional sports” including cribbage, kaiser, photography and poetry & short-story writing.

Volunteers of any age are needed at venues and office functions. If you have skills associated with any of the above sports and/or enjoy working with people, are comfortable with Excel or providing transportation we’d love you to volunteer to ensure a successful Games! Note, some roles involve a medium degree of physical effort.

To volunteer, you can register on the following link (preference):


or download and complete this fillable registration form.

If you use the fillable registration form, email the completed form to jdfehr@sasktel.net.

Waiver and Health Forms

Volunteers need to fill out a waiver form and a health form. Both forms can be accessed below, and they are also in a fillable format.

Waiver Form

Email the waiver form, once completed, to jdfehr@sasktel.net.

Health Form

The health form does not need to be emailed. The health form is to be printed and brought to the event. The health form is to be stored in the name tag pouch that will be supplied to you. Additionally, the Code of Conduct sheet must be printed and worn inside your name-tag pouch as well.